Comments on: Feeding the Needy: What Does it Truly Mean My Personal Blog Wed, 06 Jan 2021 14:21:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: truthismylife Wed, 06 Jan 2021 14:21:44 +0000 Like many of Dr. Fulcher’s other followers, I was enlightened by this part of Truth. The way I had been taught before made the topic of giving unclear, inconsistent and frustrating. Hearing Dr. Fulcher’s teaching made it all make perfect sense. I was overjoyed at that time and am so grateful for Dr. Fulcher’s anointing!

By: Rusty Wed, 30 Dec 2020 16:59:09 +0000 I remember hearing this message for the first time. I was happy to learn the truth about this subject. All my life, churches told me that feeding the poor and helping the homeless was doing God’s work. Now I understand that it means something entirely different. I must come and learn about him. Then, I must give for the teaching so that the man of God can preach the gospel to the poor in spirit. People become poor in spirit because they have not heard the truth. Once they hear the truth, they become rich.

By: Bbbie49 Wed, 30 Dec 2020 07:02:52 +0000 I am Definitely going with what God’s Word says period ! I also totally agree with the statement traditional preachers not really knowing what the truth is . Not everyone has the gift to dig and mine out what God’s Word is truly saying. Thank God Dr.Fulcher has that drive to dig and search out the deep things of God !!! Nice article enjoyed the read thank you !

By: Furstzidog Wed, 30 Dec 2020 06:34:42 +0000 Traditional churches got it wrong again! Thank God for Dr. Fulcher revealing the Truth, as it is in the Bible!

By: Purity8 Wed, 30 Dec 2020 05:16:15 +0000 I grew up in the traditional church world so I completely am aware of what this article is saying. When we “helped the needy” wether it be food drives or fund homeless shelters, the church world always referred to it as we were getting closer to God by doing these things. I found out with the TRUTH that they were far off!!! So happy to know the TRUTH and not have to always see the Bible as a literal book!!! Most pastors aren’t telling the truth of this, So happy I am FREE from the bondage of tradition!!

By: rebeluv Wed, 30 Dec 2020 01:30:43 +0000 This article is so dead on about what everybody thinks the work of God is. I was one of those also. Dr. Fulcher had to break that false doctrine right out of me with true scriptures just like the ones in this article. One of the reasons I love this ministry is how Dr. Fulcher says what the church world says it is then shows you with scriptures how wrong their doctrines are. And most of the false church doctrines aren’t even in the Bible! Thank God for pastors like Dr. Fulcher that always preach what the BIBLE SAYS!!

By: Lyn2u Wed, 30 Dec 2020 01:25:08 +0000 I absolutely take what the Bible says always above what tradition or the church world teaches, as Pastor has always taught us to do!
In the Bible the people asked Jesus, “How may we work the works of God”? Jesus told them plainly but people do not believe what he said, because they want to be recognized for giving to the poor and needy. Again, it is for themselves! Thank God I have been taught the truth!!!!
