Comments on: THERE IS A PURPOSE FOR STAINED GLASSED WINDOWS My Personal Blog Fri, 11 Mar 2022 17:33:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: jcorsale Fri, 11 Mar 2022 17:33:24 +0000 Interesting reading. I don’t believe I ever passed by a cathedral type church that didn’t have stain glassed windows. I thoroughly agree what this article says about mindless people judging things they know nothing about.

By: RAC8 Sat, 16 Oct 2021 16:16:31 +0000 Very informative article on Stain Glass, Enjoyed reading the history of how it came about… as being a photographer myself.. one of the important keys to your picture or video is LIGHTING… Thank you!

By: Furstzidog Fri, 15 Oct 2021 00:16:27 +0000 Thanks for the concise information on stained glass windows. Far too often, most people open they mouth about subjects they know little to nothing about. Unlike Dr. E.C. Fulcher Jr., one of the few people who try to get the facts and base his comments as such. The world would be a much better place, if only there were more like him!

By: Purity8 Thu, 14 Oct 2021 03:10:38 +0000 I have been to any and all kinds of churches you could think of (Catholic to Presbyterian) and I have seen stained glass windows. Actually I personally always enjoyed looking at them!! Not once did I ever assume they were hiding something. Some people can only think in the confines of their own puny brain. Thank you very much for this information!!! I really enjoyed reading this article. The sad part is, immediately after reading this article, I went and did a little research, and everything that is here in this article is completely accurate. Thank you again for taking the time to educate us on this topic!!!!

By: Truthsearchre Fri, 08 Oct 2021 02:45:15 +0000 In reply to Lyn2u.

Great information on both the history and more modern implications of stained glass windows! Its good to hear truth and facts about this.

I would be interested in a further study: I wonder how many Churches DON’T have stained glass windows, or curtains on windows, or some other barrier that blocks the observance of the service from outside the building. Another way to pose this question is how many Churches have large windows unobstructed so you can see the service from outside the building. Churches ranging in size from Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church to the smallest Churches that operate in strip malls all seem to have something (whether it be a wall or curtain) obstructing the view.

It seems to me that if you want to know whats going on in a Church, there is a simple solution: attend a service!

By: rebeluv Thu, 07 Oct 2021 04:25:23 +0000 Enjoyed learning the history of stain glass and how it actually came about. I’ve been going to churches most of my life and that is actually very common in most of them. When I read the 1st part of this article about what this person had said, my 1st thought was, how ignorant and small minded not to know most churches have stained glass. Again a very interesting article!

By: Rusty Wed, 06 Oct 2021 13:10:00 +0000 Very interesting article. I enjoyed the history of how glass windows evolved. Also, I agree with his premise. People tend to say things about others or groups without even taking the time to educate themselves to make an informed decision. If you accuse someone of a crime, which they did not commit, it is slander and if you write it in a blog, book, or magazine, it is liable, which means the person targeted can sue the false accusers. Therefore, everyone should think twice before maliciously speaking against another.

By: Lyn2u Wed, 06 Oct 2021 03:02:32 +0000 Very well said. Thank you for the informative history on the subject also. I agree with you 100%, I want to know the truth on a subject, not what someone feels or “thinks they know” about a subject. Knowledge is the key. A lot of people are too lazy to do any research themselves, and sadly, do not really care what the truth is on a subject. They just want to feel important.
