Comments on: Saint Patrick is one of the best-known saints in Christianity, and also the subject of many myths. My Personal Blog Wed, 23 Mar 2022 15:07:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bbbie49 Wed, 23 Mar 2022 15:07:10 +0000 awesome article!! Funny what people have been taught to believe over the years . Little lies are told as truths unless you look it up . Wow thank you for the information!]]> Wow 🤩 awesome article!! Funny what people have been taught to believe over the years . Little lies are told as truths unless you look it up . Wow thank you for the information!

By: rebeluv Sat, 19 Mar 2022 03:01:14 +0000 Thanks for sharing this article. Did not know any of this information about the holiday. Goes to show how people get things so messed up over the years and just keep believing the lie or just keep changing it to fit their lifestyle and what they want, just like the Catholic church does with so many of their false doctrines and now as i learn they’re so called saints that aren’t really saints!! Love hearing the truth on this as in all things. Thank you again for sharing!

By: gerren.toliver Fri, 18 Mar 2022 18:54:30 +0000 Thanking God for Truth in a world filled with lies!

By: Moffett8 Thu, 17 Mar 2022 20:09:31 +0000 In reply to sosborne88.

Wow the things you find out about the so called saint Patrick. Probably not a saint at all

By: Truthsearchre Thu, 17 Mar 2022 01:55:42 +0000 Thanks for the article. I learned a few things! I am about 1/4 Irish and used to love the holiday. The Irish have a great place in American history and should be proud of their contributions as they were poorly treated, but contributed much. But I no longer look forward to this holiday.

By: Furstzidog Thu, 17 Mar 2022 01:16:27 +0000 In reply to Purity8.

I agree with your comments.
I don’t have to be a drunken monkey just because of St. Patrick day!

By: pcorsale1 Wed, 16 Mar 2022 23:03:10 +0000 Thank you Sir for sharing this article. Thank GOD for TRUTH!

By: Rusty Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:21:12 +0000 Centuries have a way of clouding history. Catholicism uses this phenomenon in an attempt to secure its place as the main Christian source in the eyes of most people, but once we look closely into the past, we can see how time and the Catholic Church have repeatedly distorted the truth. Thank you for sharing this article! The more truth we know, the less chance Satan has of deceiving us!

By: Purity8 Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:19:06 +0000 Wow !! Very Interesting!! Thanks for sharing this article!! I even did a quick research to validate this article and it backs up everything this article says, also I may add that America was first to introduce St. Patrick parades. It’s amazing how we as people can do things (traditions, holidays, celebrations…etc) and not even know the truth behind what’s its about nor what’s it’s founding principles. St. Patrick’s day has become an excuse for people to party and drink.

By: Adel036 Wed, 16 Mar 2022 18:57:29 +0000 Interesting, very good article. It really shows that nothing good comes from attempting to Christianize paganism!
The entire celebration revolves around falsehoods. It is good to know the truth on such matter’s. I am very thankful to not be associated with any of the false celebrations stemming from false religious practices. Thank you Dr E.C. Fulcher, for sharing this article.
