Jr. Archives - Dr. E.C. Fulcher, Jr. https://drecfulcherjr.com/tag/jr/ My Personal Blog Thu, 18 May 2023 18:15:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://drecfulcherjr.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-EC_41-e1600353046385-32x32.jpg Jr. Archives - Dr. E.C. Fulcher, Jr. https://drecfulcherjr.com/tag/jr/ 32 32 JUST ASK https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/08/09/just-ask-me/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=just-ask-me https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/08/09/just-ask-me/#comments Mon, 09 Aug 2021 23:54:16 +0000 https://drecfulcherjr.com/?p=2418 WOW! I am extremely excited at the response that I have received in this new section “Just Ask Me”. I always strive to give the most accurate and comprehensive answers that I can. Because of this, it may take me a little time to answer your questions, and they may not be in the order […]

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WOW! I am extremely excited at the response that I have received in this new section “Just Ask Me”. I always strive to give the most accurate and comprehensive answers that I can. Because of this, it may take me a little time to answer your questions, and they may not be in the order that I receive them, some things take more time to research and answer. But, believe me, I am just as excited to answer your questions as I am to get them. So please bear with me, I will respond to everyone as quickly as possible.

Again, thank you, everyone, for your interaction!

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JUST ASK https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/07/31/just-ask/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=just-ask https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/07/31/just-ask/#comments Sat, 31 Jul 2021 19:52:18 +0000 https://drecfulcherjr.com/?p=2400 Ok Subscribers, here’s your chance to ask me questions. All you have to do is log in and post your questions. I will strive to answer as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to the interaction and exchange of information. It will give me a better chance to get to know you and you […]

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Ok Subscribers, here’s your chance to ask me questions. All you have to do is log in and post your questions. I will strive to answer as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to the interaction and exchange of information. It will give me a better chance to get to know you and you know me. Let’s have some fun!

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Back in the Day https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/07/21/back-in-the-day/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=back-in-the-day https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/07/21/back-in-the-day/#comments Wed, 21 Jul 2021 22:01:06 +0000 https://drecfulcherjr.com/?p=1569 Here is a picture of me EC Fulcher Jr, back in 1968 winning the Virginia State Champion Junior League for the 220 yard dash. I was awarded the Gold medal for this event. Loved running, I could get into that zone where it was like I was resting even though I was running full speed.

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Here is a picture of me EC Fulcher Jr, back in 1968 winning the Virginia State Champion Junior League for the 220 yard dash. I was awarded the Gold medal for this event. Loved running, I could get into that zone where it was like I was resting even though I was running full speed.

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DENOMINATONS https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/05/31/denominatons/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=denominatons https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/05/31/denominatons/#comments Tue, 01 Jun 2021 01:38:35 +0000 https://drecfulcherjr.com/?p=2193 What is a Denomination? Why is the meaning of the word Denomination important? What does the word Denomination have to do with religion? These are all very good questions and I would like to take a moment and talk about them. Let’s start by talking about what the word Denomination actually means. To start off, […]

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What is a Denomination? Why is the meaning of the word Denomination important? What does the word Denomination have to do with religion? These are all very good questions and I would like to take a moment and talk about them.

Let’s start by talking about what the word Denomination actually means. To start off, let’s go to Merriam-Webster and see what they have to say. This is their definition of the word; denomination noun

de·​nom·​i·​na·​tion | \ di-ˌnä-mə-ˈnā-shən  \

Definition of denomination

1: an act of denominating: the denomination of prices in U.S. dollars

2: a value or size of a series of values or sizes: metric denominations

especially : the value of a particular coin or bill, bills in $20 and $50 denominations

3: NAME, DESIGNATION: especially : a general name for a category, listed under the general denomination of gifts

4: a religious organization whose congregations are united in their adherence to its beliefs and practices, people from several different Christian denominations

Now let’s go to the Granddaddy of all Dictionaries, The Oxford English Dictionary,(OED) and see what they have to say.

1. A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church; 1a. A group or branch of any religion.

2. The face value of a banknote, coin or postage stamp; 2a. The rank of a playing card within a suit, or of a suit relative to the others.

3. Formal name of designation, especially one serving to classify a set of things; 3a.The action of naming or classifying something.

So now that we have a basic understanding of what the word Denomination means from two different sources we can discuss it further. Why is it important to know what the word means before we continue, well, you have to know what you’re talking about before you use the word. We will go further into that thought a little later. For now, looking at the definitions presented, do you realize that of all the definitions, there are really only two of those definitions that a person thinks of when thinking of using the word Denomination. Those two would be;

  1. When talking about money; and
  2. When talking about religion

That’s not so surprising, as many words have many meanings that we don’t use. But what is surprising is the two definitions that are always referenced when dealing with this one particular word, Denomination; money and religion. Why do you think that is? Why is it interesting? Well, let’s talk about it.

Let’s start with the religious aspect. Did you know that the word “Denomination” does not appear one time in the Bible?  That is not to say that one of the definitions for the word denomination is not evident in the Bible. PHARISEES, SADDUCEES, and HERODIANS were all religious sects and easily fit the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition 4. a religious organization whose congregations are united in their adherence to its beliefs and practices, people from several different Christian denominations, as well as Oxford English Dictionary’s definition 1 and 1a  A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church; 1a. A group or branch of any religion. It is probably safe to say that from the moment man began worshiping the creature and not the creator, there have been different sects from the beginning of time.  Do you worship the thunder or the lightning? The rain or the flood?  The wind or the sun or both?

But what makes a denomination or sect?  I think the most humorous, facetious, and perhaps the most correct example was in the movie THE FOUR MUSKETEERS when Porthos asks Athos why they are fighting the Huguenots and Athos explains, “We cross ourselves from right to left and they cross themselves from left to right.”  A sect can stay within the religion, but a denomination is a complete split or Autonomous as the OED calls it.

Well, what’s wrong with a denomination? You might ask.  Everything, I would answer.  Christianity was founded on the principle of the believers being of one mind and one accord. Acts 1:14: “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.” Acts 2:42: “And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:46: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.” There are also numerous other places that all state the early Christians were of one accord.  They were like-minded.  They all believed the same thing.  Jesus, himself, preached this unity of mind in Matthew 18: 19-20: “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven.” “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Do the Baptists believe the same thing as the Presbyterians?  No.  Do the Presbyterians believe the same thing as the Catholics?  No.  Each denomination has formed a church around a slightly different set of core beliefs.  They have made void the Word of God by their traditions. 

Now, about the definition surrounding money. Looking at the Merriam-Webster definition 1 and 2 along with the OED definition 2. The face value of a banknote.  Church denominations are just like money denominations.  According to the Baptists, you must do x, y, and z to be saved.  According to the Presbyterians, you must do a, b, and c in order to be saved.  They are as different as are a 5- and 10-dollar bill.  A $5 will only buy you half as much as a $10 and a $10 will only buy half as much as a $20.  And none of them will buy as much as a good old Ben Franklin $100.  Different religious denominations promise you salvation and justification but in none of them do you have to perform the same actions to get saved.

Not long ago, Pastor Dr. E C Fulcher Jr went into the hospital for some much-needed surgery.  While he was being admitted, the attendant asked him what his religion was.  “Christian,” the Pastor answered.  “I mean what denomination,” the attendant asked.  “Christian,” the Pastor repeated.  “No, I mean, are you a Baptist, Methodist or what?” the attendant asked.  “Christian,” the Pastor answered totally dumbfounding the attendant who, obviously, had no idea what he was talking about.

We are not Baptist.  We are not Pentecostal.  We are not Presbyterian.  We harken back to that first church the one where the members sat in the upper room, all of one mind and one accord.  We believe in doing things the Bible way and not as some deacon board in some city in Georgia wants things done.  We are Christians and that calls for a whole different allegiance, one to the Word of God and not the traditions of men.

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Exercising: What Kind and What to Expect https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/03/17/exercising-what-kind-and-what-to-expect/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=exercising-what-kind-and-what-to-expect https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/03/17/exercising-what-kind-and-what-to-expect/#comments Wed, 17 Mar 2021 18:40:57 +0000 https://drecfulcherjr.com/?p=2146 Hello, It’s Fred Hatfield again. I am back with some tips on finding the right type of Exercise for yourself that you will stick to and get the results that you are looking for, This is not a one size fits all journey and you may need to incorporate 1 or more styles to reach […]

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Hello, It’s Fred Hatfield again. I am back with some tips on finding the right type of Exercise for yourself that you will stick to and get the results that you are looking for, This is not a one size fits all journey and you may need to incorporate 1 or more styles to reach your goal, but none will work without the proper diet to go along with it.

Exercising has many benefits, some of which are: mental clarity, improvement in your mood, and its benefits to almost all systems of the body.  All are good reasons, but the number one reason is (you guessed it) they want to look good!  Where do you go from there?  A fitness center can be quite intimidating for someone new to exercise with all its barbells, dumbbells, machines, and classes.  Furthermore, there are those infomercials with revolutionary and “cutting edge” programs. What’s right for you?  I’m going to discuss a few options so you know what to expect with my main focus being weight and fat loss. 

First, let me give you some solid foundational rules to increase your chances at succeeding: 

1.  You must enjoy it.  I have personal trainers say, “exercise isn’t supposed to be enjoyable!”  It’s not supposed to be comfortable, but you better enjoy it or at least tolerate it enough to enjoy the results. 

2.  If you are looking to lose weight or gain muscle weight, you must eat properly. 

3.  Your choice of exercise must be proper for your level of fitness and lifestyle.

4. If you are a beginner, you are going to need help setting up a program.  Each one of those rules could be an article of its own.  For now, I am just bringing them to light.  With that, let’s look at some exercise options.

Endurance Training

In this category, I am talking about running, swimming, cycling, and rowing (to name a few) for longer periods of time at a near steady-state.  It doesn’t always mean that, however; many endurance programs involve intervals of harder work followed by rest periods or periods of easier work. 

This form of exercise has great cardiovascular benefits.  You can expect your resting heart rate to drop and your local muscular endurance to improve.  It’s not going to improve muscle mass, however (which ironically is important for weight loss), and in some cases, you may lose muscle.  What may be disheartening is that by itself, it probably is going to lead to minimal weight loss. 

Let’s crunch some numbers.  A pound of fat contains 3500 calories.  If you go on a running program you can burn about 11-20 calories a minute depending on your weight and metabolism (how efficiently you use calories).  If you run 3 times a week for 30 minutes you are going to burn between 990 and 1800 calories.  That’s a good start, but at best that’s averaging 2.25 lbs of fat loss per month.  More disheartening is the fact that while you may burn those calories, they aren’t all from fat!  Your muscles will use stored carbohydrates as their first choice of energy and under extreme circumstances, it can even cannibalize its own muscle.  In that case, you’re making fat loss even harder.

There are those that take such training to an extreme.  Triathletes and marathon runners, for example, can burn 1000 to 1500 or more calories a day. This type of training takes years of conditioning to be able to handle. If you are not properly conditioned endurance training (no matter what the distance) overuse injuries are likely to happen.

The bottom line is that if you are going to engage in this type of exercise, do it for your heart health.  It can help you lose weight, but only if you stick to your diet plan. 

Anaerobic Threshold Training

This is a fancy, scientific term for working extremely hard for a short period of time, followed by a period of rest or less strenuous activity. For example, sprinting for 20 seconds followed by jogging for 40 seconds. There are many programs that fall in this category: T90X for one, which is done in a circuit, as well as any form of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

These programs will also benefit your cardiovascular system, local muscular endurance, and depending on how hard you work, increase muscle strength.  For weight loss, it is a better choice for long, slow-distance endurance training.  Even so, it alone is not very efficient for weight loss.  Some of these programs are extremely difficult and beginners may be well-advised not to tackle them right away.  Exercise should take you out of your comfort zone, but at a safe level. 

Core Training

Core training is popular, and actually very good in what it does.  Core training involves strengthening the abs, the lower back, the hips, and obliques (those muscles on your sides between your rib cage and hip).  Well-designed programs even focus on your hamstring and hip flexibility, which can alleviate lower back pain. Unfortunately, it’s not going to help you get rid of belly fat.  Likewise, the leg abductor and adductor machines aren’t going to help take fat off your hips or inner thigh.  They will strengthen the muscles in those areas and you will enjoy the benefits of that, but sorry folks… You cannot spot reduce fat.  Crunches are good for the muscle hiding under belly fat, but they don’t make that fat go away.

Resistance Training

In a very sneaky way, resistance training may be the best method for overall health and fat loss.  The problem is there is a stigma about it and people don’t consider the difference between weight loss and fat loss. 

When you mention weight training or resistance training most people assume they will get big muscles because bodybuilders use it and they assume they will end up looking like them.  This is especially prevalent amongst women.  Rest assured, ladies, it takes years of training for female bodybuilders to get their physique, and no, it’s not all “natural”.  Yes, you will get stronger muscles and they will grow in size, and that is a good thing.  Understand that weight loss and fat loss are not the same.  We should be less concerned about what the scale says and more concerned about what the mirror or dress size says.  If nothing else, if you are worried that you will become too bulky, rest assured it will not happen overnight, and it’s just as easy to reverse it by stopping.  If you find yourself becoming uncomfortable with how your muscles look, well then back off. 

Remember when I talked about running and burning 11-20 calories per minute?  Well, that’s dependent on your weight, and more specifically, your muscle mass.  People with more muscle mass burn more calories, plain and simple.  Muscle burns calories; fat does not.  The data I accessed shows that a 120 lbs. person will burn 11 calories per minute during that run, but a 180 lbs. person will burn 20 calories per minute.  These numbers are just examples to show the trend that when you have more muscle, you burn more calories.  While the exercise itself doesn’t lead to much fat loss without a proper diet, increasing your muscle mass burns more calories throughout the day –even while at rest or sleeping.

Resistance training has other benefits as well.  When properly set up works the entire body.  There are some cardiovascular benefits with resistance training, although not at the level that endurance training or anaerobic threshold training provides.

A problem with resistance training is that it can be confusing.  How many sets?  How many reps?  What exercises should I do?  Entire books have been written about such subjects and it’s a debate that is non-ending!  Remember the 4th rule I spoke of at the beginning of the article: as with all disciplines of exercise you will need someone to help you set up a program.

In summary, you should choose the right exercise program for you, as no one program is “best” for everyone. If you are a beginner, you will do well to have someone teach you and set up a program.  Finally, while there are many benefits to exercise, fat loss as a direct result of exercise is very difficult without a proper diet.

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Reasons Weight Loss Diets Fail (And How To Fix Them) https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/03/09/reasons-weight-loss-diets-fail-and-how-to-fix-them/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=reasons-weight-loss-diets-fail-and-how-to-fix-them https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/03/09/reasons-weight-loss-diets-fail-and-how-to-fix-them/#comments Tue, 09 Mar 2021 23:54:08 +0000 https://drecfulcherjr.com/?p=2142 Hello, my name is Fred Hatfield and I have a Masters Degree in Physical Education from Middle Tennessee State University and a Bachelors degree in Exercise Physiology from Kent State University.  I was an ISSA Personal Trainer Professor for 8 years.  I also have 8 years of experience as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach […]

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Hello, my name is Fred Hatfield and I have a Masters Degree in Physical Education from Middle Tennessee State University and a Bachelors degree in Exercise Physiology from Kent State University.  I was an ISSA Personal Trainer Professor for 8 years.  I also have 8 years of experience as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach at the collegiate level.  I am also a competitive cyclist, runner and I am training for my first triathlon.

I see so many people trying to lose weight, trying this diet and that diet, and having little or no success. This lack of success leads them to give up. I understand the frustration of feeling like your starving and for nothing because your goals are not being met. Because I see this so much, I wanted to try and help those that really want to make a lifestyle change and make realistic goals and actually meet them. I thought I would start by talking about the various ways people try to diet, why they don’t work and how to fix it so you will see some results.

The goal of a proper nutritional diet is to give you the resources needed to sustain life at an optimal level.  When the body has the proper amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals its ability to carry out all the body’s functions and fight illness. Since we all live different lifestyles, nutritional requirements differ to some degree for each person.  Unfortunately, many people do not eat with this goal in mind; they eat because they are hungry, stressed or they have a craving for their favorite foods. 

This has led to an estimated two-thirds of Americans being either clinically obese or overweight.  Americans spend an estimated $16 billion a year on various weight loss programs and products on the market.  Unfortunately, it is also estimated that 95% of diets ultimately fail.  While that number may be disputed by some, it’s clear that what most people are doing isn’t working.

There are many factors that can hinder a person’s weight loss efforts (slow metabolism, life-style changes, the wrong diet for the person, or simply it’s a bad plan).  However, the biggest reason why diets fail is that people don’t consistently stick to the diet. A person may believe they are sticking to their diet, but there are many subtle (and not so subtle) points they miss.  Let’s look at a few things people may miss when dieting (and how to fix them):

  • You aren’t really counting all your calories.  If you are planning out your meals and any allotted snacks in-between, you are doing well.  However, are you counting everything that you eat?  Did you include the tablespoon of mayonnaise on your sandwich or the handful of M&M’s your co-worker offered you? Did you count the teaspoon of sugar and tablespoon of half and half in your coffee?   These are just some examples, but these 4 foods alone add up to 250 calories which you may have totally missed.  The fix:  First, when you prepare a meal, account for each ingredient, including cooking oil if you use it.  Next, discipline yourself not to eat outside the plan (dips into candy dishes, for example).
  • You underestimate your portions.  Let’s reexamine the mayonnaise on your sandwich.  When you look at the calories per serving, chances are it’s 100 calories for a tablespoon.  Are you really using only a tablespoon (it is actually an exact measurement and not grabbing a spoon off the table and seeing you much you can pile on that spoon!)?  This holds true for many other foods as well.  Unless you are measuring or weighing each item you eat, your calorie count is inaccurate.  The fix:  It may be a hassle, but measuring and weighing your portions with proper scales and measuring utensils is the only fix for this.  At least take this step for a week or two; it will allow you to become aware of what your portions really are.
  • Your “small modifications” aren’t so small.  Suppose you found a diet plan that makes sense and fits your needs.  There is just one little problem:  you still want just one comfort food as the only exception.  That may sound like a reasonable modification, but is it really?  Suppose that small modification is ice cream at night or a soft drink while at work.  These two foods can fit into a sensible diet, as long as you keep it reasonable.  One scoop of ice cream may be ok (not three).  One can of a soft drink may be ok (not the 64-ounce fountain drink from the convenience store).  The fix:  If you must make an exception, keep it reasonable and make sure it makes it into your overall calorie count.
  • Your cheat days go way overboard.  Let’s face it:  cheat days aren’t really a good idea!  While there is the theory that they may help stabilize your metabolism and they do give you a reward to look forward to, they still hinder your efforts.  Many diet plans do allow for a cheat day, but the problem is overdoing it.  For example, if you are on a 1200 calorie a day diet plan, a reasonable cheat day would be 1800 calories or maybe even up to 2400 calories.  What would not be reasonable is 3000 or more.  The fix:  your cheat days (if you must have one) should resemble a steady rainfall; not a category 5 hurricane!  Keep them reasonable and make sure you log them into your calorie count. 
  • The diet is wrong for you.  Some diets are flat-out terrible!  But even if they are sensible, it may not be right for you.  We all have different levels of activity, metabolisms, and food preferences.  If you are physically active (either at your job or you exercise) you will need more calories.  If you choose a diet heavy on rice cakes, kale, and tuna fish but you don’t like these things, chances are you aren’t going to say with your diet for very long!  The fix:  don’t make things so unreasonable for yourself that you set yourself up for failure.  While you are looking to make lifestyle changes during a weight loss diet, it must be workable for you.
  • Results aren’t what you expect and you give up.  This can happen in a couple of different ways.  You may expect to lose a pound a week with your diet but only lose a half-pound.  Another scenario that may happen is hitting the dreaded “wall”: you do great 4 weeks but then don’t lose any weight for the next two weeks.  Instead of staying in the fight, you decide the results aren’t worth the pain, and you give up.  The fix:  It’s simple:  stay in the fight even if it’s not going the way you wanted.  If you are making progress, keep it up.  If it’s not, or it’s going to slow, look at making adjustments, but stay with the plan.
  • You don’t maintain what you’ve achieved.  Once you’ve achieved your target weight, your weight loss diet can still fail.  If you go back to the dietary habits you had before you will put the weight right back on.  The fix:  this one is simple too.   You must get a new plan to maintain what you achieve.  Keep monitoring your weight, and don’t go back to your old habits.

In summary, there are no shortcuts, special diets, or superfoods out there that will counter poor dietary practices.  It may be disappointing, but for diets to work they must be reasonable for your lifestyle and they must be followed!  While you may have to make adjustments at first and when you hit the dreaded “wall” (and you will hit it, count on it!), you can still succeed if you stick with the plan.

Written by Fred Hatfield

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The History of Politics https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/03/02/the-history-of-politics-4/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-history-of-politics-4 https://drecfulcherjr.com/2021/03/02/the-history-of-politics-4/#comments Tue, 02 Mar 2021 21:53:10 +0000 https://drecfulcherjr.com/?p=2126 Part 4: Attempt at Repetition and the Result As we have seen, the Democratic Party started out as the big business, whites only, small central government party.  There were Progressives (as they were called before 1917) but those people tended to be on the Republican side of the aisle.  Theodore Roosevelt was considered a Progressive […]

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Part 4: Attempt at Repetition and the Result

As we have seen, the Democratic Party started out as the big business, whites only, small central government party.  There were Progressives (as they were called before 1917) but those people tended to be on the Republican side of the aisle.  Theodore Roosevelt was considered a Progressive and he was a Republican.  Woodrow Wilson was considered Conservative, and he was a Democrat.  But that all changed with Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the 1935 relief act. Brief Description (FDR signs Emergency Relief Appropriation Act – HISTORY.)

To understand what happened, you have to look at what happened in Russia in 1917.  There was a revolution.  Actually, there were a series of revolutions: the Tsar was overthrown; the Mensheviks took power; the Bolsheviks overthrew the Mensheviks and established a Marxist state run by a triumvirate of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.  While Lenin and Trotsky were working towards the creation of a Communist/Marxist state, Stalin was working behind the scenes to take full power.  He made his move when Lenin died.  He ousted Trotsky and assumed complete control of the Russian Communist Party. 

Books have been written about what Stalin did and the millions he murdered in his quest for power.  One of the best was written by Trotsky before his assassination in Mexico in August of 1940.  The upshot of the whole thing was that Stalin was NOT a Marxist/Communist.  He was one of the Reactionaries that Marx warned about in the Communist Manifesto.  He basically reinstated Tsarist policies under the guise of Communism and made himself the sole, unquestioned ruler of the reconstituted U.S.S.R. (The Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics).  The old-timers knew what he had done.  My grandparents and their friends who fled the 1912 revolution in Russia called Stalin “The Red Tsar”.  He hid his totalitarianism behind the façade of communist jargon.  What the Left, the media, and the pundits are all spouting today are not Marxist principles but Stalinist ones.

Now, into that mishmash, we have to throw in a little American Exceptionalism. 

Americans have a way of adapting European concepts to fit themselves in a totally unique way.  There are some politicians who try to deny this, but a simple reading of world history will put the lie to them.  Americans broke from England with its King and parliamentary style of government and created one with a revolving President and an offsetting Congress and Supreme Court.  They took the Leftist ideas coming out of the Soviet Union and adapted them to the American Experience.  All worker’s jobs in the USSR were protected.  There was no unemployment because the government found you a job whether you liked it or not.  Millions died in Soviet Government-owned factories, worked to death and Stalin simply murdered anyone who tried to tell about it.  It was years before the truth of what was happening behind his Iron Curtain, as Winston Churchill called it, came out.

But what FDR did with the 1935 bill was add protection to the unemployed, something that was totally anathema to the Marxist concept.  Yes, the US Government established a work program, the WPA, but there were some people who did not or could not work.  In Marxist theory, these people should have been allowed to die off.  They would become the collateral damage of establishing a new social order, as one former American President described them.  By extending this protection to non-workers, FDR created a class of individuals who were dependent on the Government for their sustenance without contributing to the fund from which that sustenance derived. Some may think this is great, it will provide for those that can’t provide for themselves. Well, consider this story that was told to me…..

A mouse is placed in a glass jar filled with its favorite grain, corn. He thinks to himself, this is Amazing! I don’t have to search for food any longer, fearing for my life, wondering whether I will starve or not. So the mouse beings to eat freely whenever he wants. As time goes on, he begins to taste some things that he doesn’t necessarily like, but hey, there is still plenty of corn, so he dismisses the things he doesn’t like and continues to eat the free corn. More time passes and now the mouse is at the bottom of the glass jar and he finds nothing but dirt, rock, and weeds. No more corn. Then the mouse realizes that he is at the bottom of the jar and cannot even climb out to go find food for himself. Then one day, some corn is dropped into the jar. He thinks I am saved, I have corn to eat. But the corn does not come when he wants. Now he realizes that the food will only come when someone drops it into the jar, otherwise, he has nothing to eat. At that moment, he begins to think that he is doomed because he is now at the mercy of someone else for his food and he is no longer able to forge for himself, so if no one drops corn into the jar, he will surely starve to death.

I ask, what does this sound like to you? What do you think this will create?

This created the underclass that Marx warned about, a class of non-workers that Politicians would keep subservient to them in order to ensure their elections.  But to what end?  Marx called the politicians who used this subservient class, Reactionaries because they were using their political power to return the government/society to something that had gone before and was not progressing towards the sought-after Communist utopia.  But just what is it that the people who run the Democratic Party want to return to?

For Stalin, the only kind of Totalitarian government they knew was the Tsar.  Remember, they had been ruled by one family since the 1600s, yet the first Tsar was Ivan the Terrible, and he took control in 1547.  Europe had seen various families controlling the governments of vast regions of the continent: Frederick III, a Habsburg, was confirmed the first Holy Roman Emperor in 1452.  The last Habsburg Emperor, Frans Joseph died in 1916.  At one point in European history, there was a Habsburg on virtually every throne in Europe except England.  The Prussian states, which eventually became Germany had the Hohenzollerns.  France had the Bourbons.  England had the Plantagenets, Stuarts, and others.  So, when we look at the history of European Totalitarians, the “Left” has numerous examples of ruling families to emulate in the New World Order.

But, what about America?  We have never had a ruling family.  But, we have had people who knew how to rule on the same level of subjugation.  Remember Andrew Jackson and his plantation?  Just look at Cuba and Venezuela.  The Castros, hiding behind the façade of communism/socialism have basically reinstated the old Colonial paradigm with themselves as the rulers over a captive population, Venezuela, the same.  The colonial paradigm works as long as the conquered colonials are kept a step or two above the level of desperation.  Only desperate people revolt. 

In America, the paradigm is the Plantation, and as we have seen from history 1620-1865, the Plantation system works.  It wasn’t the slaves who rebelled and started the Civil War.  It was the plantations’ economic competitors in the North.  On a plantation, you had masters and slaves.  The slaves worked to provide the master with things to sell (cotton or tobacco); the master would sell those commodities and then provide the slaves with what they needed to live from clothes to food to shelter to medical. 

In my humble opinion, the Democratic Party is a party of Reactionary elites who are trying to re-establish a national plantation with themselves as the masters and the rest of us as their slaves.  The middle-class, the new proletariat, the workers are being taxed with ever higher and higher taxes to get them used to the government taking all and then giving back just what the proletariat needs to be a step or three above the survival level.  They are taking the money, now, and rather than redistributing it among the workers, they are giving it to the non-workers only because they have to have a place to put it.  Once they achieve their goals and convert the working middle class into their slaves, they can get rid of those on welfare, just as Venezuela has done by either allowing them to starve or run away.  But in all honesty, there is nowhere else to run.  Anyone on welfare today will become the collateral damage of tomorrow when they are no longer needed to vote the Democratic elite into power because once the Reactionary Elite has achieved that level of power, elections will no longer be necessary or will be so controlled as to be meaningless.  Stalin had elections.  He always won.  One day, in the not too distant future, we will have elections here in America and the Democrats will always win as will a couple of Republican flunkies just to make the corrupt elections seem honest.

But the Democrats will be in for a big surprise.  They have ignored the Bible and the last day prophesies.  As the Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky triumvirate, or the Pompey, Crassus, Caesar triumvirate, or the triumvirate of Octavianus, Antony, and Lepidus, someone will emerge from the shadows to assume supreme power with an angel of Satan, or Satan himself empowering him.  And he or she will rule until the Saints of God return in their power to establish the millennium.  Consider these scriptures….

Revelation 6:2-8 “(2) And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. (3) And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. (4) And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (5) And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. (6) And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. (7) And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. (8) And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

Now with those verses in mind, take a look around the world today, and hopefully, your eyes will be opened.

Written by Eric B. Ruark and Tanya J. Tillman

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Dr. E.C Fulcher JR – Types of Pastor who Fail to Reach Ministry Potential – TIME BUSINESS NEWS

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