Brainwashing by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

E.C. Fulcher

Brainwashing by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr. Whenever someone teaches something outside the traditional Christian view, people tend to say that you’re brainwashed or in a cult. Since I base everything I believe in the bible, history, and logic; I show what true brainwashing is compared to the accusation. Find it on Amazon for purchase.

8 thoughts on “Brainwashing by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

  1. This Book BRAINWASHING!! A MUST READ!! Once you’re doing reading it, you will have ” your brain washed”!! Great Great Read!! Dr E.C. Fulcher Jr did a phenomenal job writing this!!

  2. The book – Brainwashing!
    In this book, Dr. E. C. Fulcher, Jr defines what a cult is and most will be surprised at his findings.
    Bob Dylan once wrote a song titled, “Gotta Serve Somebody” and this book will prove just that.

  3. Everyone is brainwashed by something or someone and this book expounds on the importance from where your brainwashing is obtained. Everyone serves someone/something. Every serving comes with a specific outcome. Read this book to find out who you are serving and maybe if you should change who you are serving.

  4. In this book “Brainwashing” by Dr. E.C. Fulcher, Jr. he reveals the meaning and shows several applications of brainwashing. But most important he shows how to replace your human mind with the mind of Christ!

  5. As time goes on, People believe Christians that are dedicated to the Bible are crazy, outrageous, and even brainwashed! Not realizing themselves, that everyone is a servant to something or someone! I know who I am serving as the Bible says “Thou Servant of Jesus Christ!” I posed the question, Who better to serve than Jesus Christ Himself? This book gave me more understanding and ammunition as a Christian to be proud of being transformed by the renewing of my mind!

  6. The book, Brainwashing was another definitive book on what exactly Brainwashing mea s! Most people don’t realize that they are Brainwashing washed by something. Dr. Fulcher does a great job explaining what it means. And after all the scriptures he gives im really glad I have the mind of Christ and brainwashed in His Word!! Great read on who YOU following?

  7. Amazing how simple this author makes it. He brings it down to the simplest thing and you totally get it. Never occurred to me what brainwashing means and how many things we are brainwashed by and don’t even know. Wow! Superb!!

  8. I know that people often very exaggeratively use the term “must read” and I am not one to use it lightly myself at all. But, when I say that this is A MUST READ, I am not being exaggerative in it in any way, shape or form.

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