About Me

My Name is Dr. E C Fulcher Jr. I was born and raised in a religious home under the influence of the Pentecostal Holiness church denomination as my father was a minister of that group.  At a young age, I began to see the falsehoods of religion, and I set out to learn the truth.  At the age of 17, I went on a lengthy fast, asking God to visit me, or I would be giving up on all forms of so-called Christianity.  While on that fast, God spoke to me concerning his ministry and anointing shortly to be manifested.

After that, I began preaching at a young age and have not stopped since.  The truths of God’s word have inspired me, and I have, over the years, become more and more aware of God’s promise that I would someday lead the strongest church in history. During the beginning stages of my ministry, I traveled the world with different ministers learning what not to do.

Six distinguishing messages define my ministry:

  • To reveal the hidden mysteries of the Bible for the present day
  • To get Babylon out of the church
  • The importance of correct doctrine
  • The truth about giving
  • The incredible story about truth and grace, and
  • Building the strongest church in history

While preaching the gospel is my most important endeavor, God has blessed me to be involved in many different things.  From the late 1980s to the early 2000s, I participated in the Martial Arts world. I began promoting tournaments, which I called the Maryland Expose. I have also written and published many books.

My interests also include revamping old cars, motorcycling, playing musical instruments, such as keyboard and guitar.  I spent many years searching for the perfect guitar and could never find what I wanted, so I began designing my own.  I have personally designed many guitars, called the Efulcher Line by The Top Guitar Company.

This blog is a platform to discuss any subject ranging from religion to cars/motorcycles, stock market, and anything else I find interesting.