What About the Cross? by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

E.C. Fulcher

What about the Cross, Dr. E C Fulcher explores the origins of the cross proving that it is not a Christian symbol. But there is a cross that every Christian must take up. What it is? The answer to this question and many more are inside this booklet. Find it on Amazon for purchase.

4 thoughts on “What About the Cross? by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

    1. Agreed! This book along with many others has helped to educate me on the many lies taught by tradition in the name of Christianity. Many things in everyday life I would have never known that the origins are based on false religion or pagan tradition. Thankfully, I am now able to investigate facts instead of opinion and find unwavering truths. Facts have a way of forcing opinions and behaviors change. Thank you Dr Fulcher, for sharing facts upon facts in your publications. Very informative!

  1. Yes, indeed, this book opened up a lot of facts for me. It really made me realize how many false doctrines and traditions I thought were true, but turned out to be lies. This book is just one of many that you have written that made me want to learn more and more about Truth! And to learn more of what Gods Word really says by scripture interpreting scripture!

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