What are the Gates of Hell? by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

E.C. Fulcher

In the book What Are the Gates of Hell, Dr. E C Fulcher takes a deep look into the bible and what it says the gates of hell are. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” So what are the gates of hell? In his booklet I allow the scripture to interpret scripture and prove what they are. This book has been requested around the world and is a must-have for your library! Find it on Amazon for purchase.

11 thoughts on “What are the Gates of Hell? by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

  1. The bible is full of symbolic messages. Here, Jesus gives us an important illustration that requires research to explain. Dr. Fulcher does an excellent job of rooting out its secrets. Discovering what Jesus meant was fascinating to me. I highly recommend this book!

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