Who is Lucifer? by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

E.C. Fulcher

Dr. E C Fulcher Jr’s book on the topic of Who is Lucifer is a must-read. If you have ever been to church or have watched movies made in America, you have heard of Lucifer. Just the mention of Lucifer often elicits a knee jerk reaction of fear and evil. Satan, evil, or witchcraft comes to mind because it is a commonly held belief in both societies and in traditional religion that Lucifer is the devil or Satan. However, the bible tells a different story. In this booklet, I will tell you who Lucifer really is and why traditional churches believe Satan is Lucifer. Find it on Amazon for purchase.

8 thoughts on “Who is Lucifer? by Dr. E C Fulcher Jr

  1. Dr. Fulcher, this book uncovered untruths that I had been taught for years by the media, family, and preachers. Your book made it perfectly clear! Thank you for sharing this truth and for using the Bible to back up everything you write.

  2. This book was really eye opening to me. I had heard who people believe Lucifer is all my life, but no one ever told me how to prove it. However, once I read this book, I am now able to prove who Lucifer is, because every point is proven using scripture after scripture.

  3. This book is very enlightening. For many, if you spoke the name Lucifer it meant you were talking about the devil or Satan, but this book gives Lucifer’s real identity. You’ll never guess who it is.

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