E.C. Fulcher

Ok Subscribers, here’s your chance to ask me questions. All you have to do is log in and post your questions. I will strive to answer as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to the interaction and exchange of information. It will give me a better chance to get to know you and you know me. Let’s have some fun!

3 thoughts on “JUST ASK

  1. I have two:

    1. Who do you believed to be the best basketball coach of all time?

    2. In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes:

    1 Corinthians 5:9 KJV
    I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators:

    Seeing as how this is in FIRST Corinthians, is it possible that there was a previously written letter to the Corinthians that is lost?


  2. I have another question. I see you have won a state championship in high school in the 220. Very impressive! How did you train to do that? That was 1968. In 1992 I started training college athletes. We used ice, heat, supplements, drills, workout routines and all kinds of science!

    I think those things help, but being a triathlete and thus a runner myself, i don’t think they make a runner or an athlete in any endeavor.

    Can you tell us what made it possible to become a state chamion?

  3. I’ve been reading and re-reading Genesis 3:1-5…. the conversation woman had with the serpent. How did the serpent know what God said and didn’t say? Were the other races having church too? And why did woman think she needed to tell the serpent anything pertaining to God, especially since she knew, or supposedly knew they were not of the same beings??? Ive always wondered why she would even talk to them??

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