E.C. Fulcher

Here are 2 questions sent in from user Truthsearchre, along with my answers:


  1. Who do you believed to be the best basketball coach of all time?

Answer: From a strictly professional outlook, Greg Popovich of the San Antonio Spurs


  • In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes: 1 Corinthians 5:9 KJV I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Seeing as how this is in FIRST Corinthians, is it possible that there was a previously written letter to the Corinthians that is lost?

Answer: Yes, Paul wrote several letters that never made it into the Cannon. If God wanted them to be part of the bible they would have been.

Thank you for the questions Truthsearchre, keep them coming!

3 thoughts on “JUST ASK

  1. Thank you for the answers. I agree! I don’t question God’s judgment on what epistles are in the Bible, but it is intriguing to know there is more that was written. Its also inspiring to me that God chose what he did, which makes what we have so much more so important.

  2. In John 21:25, he said the world could not contain the books of everything Jesus did. Since Paul was an apostle, I can only imagine how many things he did and said that we will never know, but as Pastor said, “If God wanted them to be part of the bible they would have been.”

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