E.C. Fulcher

Here is a question from user rebeluv along with my answer:


  1. I’ve been reading and re-reading Genesis 3:1-5…. the conversation woman had with the serpent. How did the serpent know what God said and didn’t say? Were the other races having church too? And why did woman think she needed to tell the serpent anything pertaining to God, especially since she knew, or supposedly knew they were not of the same beings??? I’ve always wondered why she would even talk to them?


The serpent did not know what God had said or didn’t say until the woman started talking to him and told him. There is no scriptural answer to that, but obviously, they were religious in some way, especially the serpent race. The woman talked to the serpent for several reasons. First, women naturally want to be involved, feel they contribute and women like to talk. It was her natural curiosity and perhaps she felt slighted by Adam in some way, and it made her feel good to find someone to chat with. The serpent led her down the path for a conversation about God, it was probably not her intention. After they became verbally intimate, the serpent being wise enticed or entrapped her into giving him God-knowledge which he then turned around on her. Women like to be flirted with, they like to be talked to. Women believe they can handle anything, but they can’t, they are suckers for conversation, women are the weaker vessel. Remember that Woman came from the rib, not the brain, so she strived to be as intellectual as Adam. The serpent saw that and treated her as such. It’s a form of deceptive flattery.

Thank you for your question rebeluv. Can’t wait for another.

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