My Dog Showing Days

I have always had a love for animals. They are tremendously loyal and loving. I have always been a champion for the protection of animals and have donated to many shelters and foundations for the care of abandoned animals. I truly believe that it is not the animal that is bad, but bad ownership that makes them the way they are. All of the animals I have ever owned have been family to me. I believe that if you don’t feel the same way about your animal, then you probably should not be an owner.
From 1980 to 1985 I actually bred and showed dogs. Some of my dogs that were in shows were my West Highland White Terriers, my Selyyham Terriers, and my Pointer, and my Boxer in 1994.
I have participated in many shows including the famous Westminster Dog Show. I have had 4 National Champions, 2 Westie Champions as well as 2 Pointer Champions. My Westie Biljon Blue Billy Budd and Biljon Blue Elizabeth were my largest champions. My Boxer came within 2 points of her championship.
Over the years I have owned several animals, and have had great joy with each and every one of them. They are a great comforter and devoted to you. They are truly selfless. They love you no matter of your financial status, living situation or life situation. They are always happy to see you, and sad to see you go. Their love knows no bounds. That is why they should be given the best life possible by their owners.
While I have lost many of my pictures of my past dogs, I do have pictures of some of the awards I have received for them in dog shows. I do however have pictures of my 1st Boxer Louiebelle. She was a very smart, intelligent and loving dog. I will cherish her always.