My Trip to Israel

I, Dr. E C Fulcher Jr have preached in 7 countries including Mexico, Greece, Japan, Ireland, and Israel. My trip to Israel was very memorable and enlightening. While I was in Israel I visited all the places Jesus had been.
Being able to stand next to and preach at the Jordan River was an experience that I will never forget, I even admonished some women preachers there showing them that the Bible says that they should not be preaching. For three nights in a row, I talked with many Arabs about the message of Jesus Christ. When they found out I was a preacher, I Dr. E C Fulcher Jr was the only one they would talk to because I knew enough of the Bible to acknowledge that they were also Abraham’s children.
Visiting Masada and just being able to stand there for a while take it all in was a special moment in my life. I also visited the Whaling Wall, which is also referred to as the Kotel, the Western Wall, or Solomon’s Wall.